
All change at health

A doctors’ association has criticised Pedro Sánchez’s decision to replace Spain's Health Minister, Salvador Illa, at the height of Spain’s coronavirus pandemic so that he can lead the Socialist party in the forthcoming regional elections in Catalonia on February 14th.

Turning the corner?

Covid infection rates on Lanzarote appear to be levelling off, although there are few signs yet of any notable decrease.

Donkeys confiscated

Tías Ayuntamiento has removed three donkeys from a quarry near Montaña Blanca after animal cruelty campaigners Ademal denounced the poor conditions they were being kept in. Ademal claimed the donkeys had been “abandoned”, in poor conditions with poor hygiene and sanitation.

One year on…

A year since the first coronavirus case was detected in Spain, the virus has left more than 58,000 dead in the country.

Barranco threat

Ecologists and locals are urgently campaigning against works that are proceeding in the Barranco de Chafariz in Haría, just as the birds in the valley begin their nesting season.

No relief for Lanzarote

Hopes that Covid cases might be levelling off on Lanzarote were dashed yesterday as 121 cases were reported, the second highest daily total of the pandemic. This brings the number of active cases on the island to a new peak of 1,121.

New rules

New traffic laws mean that motorists must now leave a minimum of two metres of distance between cars and cyclists, and the maximum speed of overtaking is 20 kph less than the speed limit for the road in question.

UK strain detected on Lanzarote

Four cases of the so-called UK strain of the SARS -CoV-2 virus have been detected on Lanzarote, after genome sequencing was carried out on 7,329 positive test samples at Tenerife's university Hospital.

EU to isolate high-risk areas

The European Commission (EC) has recommended isolating all areas with a 14-day infection rate higher than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This criteria would currently apply to Lanzarote, but not the Canary Islands as a whole.

Canaries reach 500 deaths as Lanzarote logs 1,000 active cases.

The Canaries and Lanzarote passed three sad milestones yesterday, as the third wave of the pandemic continues to hit Lanzarote harder than the other islands.