
Simón says…

Fernando Simón, the Director of Emergencies at Spain's Health Ministry, and perhaps the most widely recognised of Spain's Covid experts, told an interviewer yesterday that he did not believe that masks were the key to controlling the virus.

The day it all stopped

It wasn’t the best of days: the sea was unsettled and choppy beneath a cloudy sky, but it wasn’t just the weather that was uncertain. On the morning of Saturday the 14th of March 2020, those who had been reading the news knew something was coming, but no one knew exactly what.

The culture drought

Just over a year ago, the Gazette dedicated at least six pages to cultural and sporting events every month. On an island where there was almost always something going on, whether it was a marathon, a footie match, a jazz concert, an art exhibition or a local fiesta, it was one of our most popular features.

Vaccine record

The Canarian Government has administered 192,191 does of the coronavirus vaccines so far, and has fully immunised just under 60,000 people on the islands with double doses. This figure represents 4.4% of the target population.

Barranco Controversy

Ecologists have denounced works that took place in the Barranco de Chafariz in Haría, just as the birds in the valley begin their nesting season.  First published in Gazette Life, March 1st 2021. “Chafariz” is an ancient Canarian…

Lanzarote looks toward Level 2

Lanzarote is confidently expecting to reach Level 2 of the Canarian Government's anti-Covid system tonight, when the Council of Ministers make their weekly decision based on the performance of the islands.

Our survey says…

Over half of Lanzarote islanders think that the majority of their fellow islanders have shown a lack of responsibility in relation to anti-Covid measures, according to a survey carried out in late January by the Lanzarote Data Centre.

Break-ups rise after lockdown

The Canaries saw the highest amount of divorces and separations in Spain during the three months following last year’s lockdown.

British lead immigration figures

Almost a quarter of Lanzarote residents were born outside Spain, recent figures from the Canarian Institute of Statistics show, and the largest foreign-born population on the island remains those from the United Kingdom .

Where did the flu go?

One of the few positive sides of the Covid epidemic is the fact that those who have been fortunate enough to avoid contracting the coronavirus also appear to have avoided other viruses such as common colds and influenza.