
A very thin deal

Just one hour before midnight yesterday, the transition period for the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union finished, and Brexit was finally completed. British citizens are now classed as “third country” nationals within the European Union.

Monthly News Roundup

Monthly local news roundup! A rundown of everything that has happened during the past month that you need to know; written in a brief and easy to understand format.

Christmas case increase

Fears of a Christmas rise in Covid cases seem to have been justified as Lanzarote has experienced a significant rise in new cases. The number of active cases on the island has doubled from 51 to 102 within a week.

Vaccine refusals to be registered

Spain will not make vaccinations against Covid-19 compulsory, but it will keep a register of those who refuse to be vaccinated against the virus, it was confirmed by health minister Salvador Illa on Monday.

Canaries control cases

With a 7-day rate of 54.1 cases per 100,000 people, the Canary Islands are once more heading towards the key figure of 50 that would permit the UK to reopen its travel corridor with the islands. If the rate of infection keeps dropping at the current rate, the islands will be below the threshold by the 5th January, which is when the Spanish government reviews its travel ban on British non-residents.

“A day of hope and anticipation”

María del Pilar Pérez, aged 81, became the first Lanzarote resident to receive the Pzifer/ BioNtech vaccine yesterday at a nursing home in Haría. The injection was administered just before 3 pm, as six elderly women on each of the other Canary Islands also received the first doses of the v

Tracing the source

Why did Lanzarote’s tracing figures recently stray into high-risk territory? The answer lies with students coming home for Christmas.

Drug smugglers arrested

Six members of a drug smuggling ring that operated off the coasts of Tenerife and Lanzarote have been arrested, which also confiscated the largest haul of drugs on Lanzarote in recent years

Happy Christmas!

This is a year during which we’ve kept our distance but somehow gathered together more than ever before, even when separated by thousands of miles.

Public holidays 2021

Lanzarote’s official public holidays for 2021 have recently been finalised, and we’ve printed them below to save you the trouble of heading into town to do some shopping only to find everything closed except the church.