
Women’s Day controversy

The Canarian Health Department has requested islanders not to attend the several demonstrations that have been called to mark International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March.

Lanzarote remains on Level 3

Lanzarote will remain in Level 3 until 11th March, the Canarian Government decided last night, despite the fact that the island currently fulfils the conditions to enter Level 2.

Weather Watch February

The start of March last year was full of sunshine and promise, and then we all became familiar with our first lockdown and self isolation, with the weather seeming to reflect the mood of the island. As soon as we entered lockdown it became overcast and we even saw some light showers, too.

Easter restrictions until 9th April

Special anti-Covid restrictions for the Easter holidays are likely to bring few surprises or changes to Lanzarote if proposals made by Spain's Ministry of Health are adopted. They include a 10pm to 6 am curfew and a limit on gatherings of four to six people.

One in a thousand

Lanzarote now has fewer active cases than any of the larger Canary Islands, and has finally managed to bring its seven-day infection rate to fewer than 50 cases per 100,000 people.

Lanzarote in Level 3

Lanzarote is under level 3 measures from today, after the Canarian Government held a special meeting yesterday.

Cycle path works to continue

Work on the seafront cycle path between Arrecife and Costa Teguise is still awaiting final approval, which the Ayuntamiento hopes will be given by this month.

Canaries overcome carnival threat

Two weeks after carnival weekend, it now seems as though Lanzarote and the Canaries have managed to avoid a repeat of the huge increase in cases that followed the Christmas holidays.

Vaccine passports “in time for summer”

A “vaccination passport allowing international travel will be ready “in time for summer”, according to Angela Merkel, and “within three months”, according to EU Commissioner Ursula van der Leyen following Thursday’s virtual summit of EU leaders.

Bad luck keeps Lanzarote in Level 4

Lanzarote will remain in Level 4 until March 4th, despite its excellent recent progress, after the island's Covid figures took a turn for the worse that was almost immediately rectified.