24th May 2022 @ 9:40 am

Students from the IES Yaiza school were all given coloured markers and the freedom to draw on a new mural in the municipality.

Photo: Ayuntamiento de Yaiza.

IES Yaiza school students were allowed to let their creative juices flow as they were each given a handful of coloured markers and a blank mural to draw whatever they liked on it.

This is not the first time that the Yaiza Ayuntamiento has involved its school students in practical activities. For more than two years they have involved students in workshops and other projects to give them a voice in social, local and governmental issues. “Which is why we have several projects in the works for sports facilities”, Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda, added.

Ayuntamiento Councilor, Águeda Cedrés, reported that “the students worked on the new mural with the help of the artist Iván T.”. Not only did the students express their creativity and interests, but they also took the opportunity to raise awareness for social issues.

“Our educational centres are essential spaces for sharing ideas of social change and wellbeing”, added Cedrés.

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