
“We must not drop our guard.”

The Canarian Health Councillor, Julio Pérez, has said that recent statistics “give cause for optimism” but that the islands “must not drop our guard” against coronavirus. Photo: Canarian President, Ángél Victor Torres Pérez recognised…

Lockdown extended to April 26th as statistics offer hope

Spanish President Pedro Sánchez has announced that he will seek to extend the lockdown by a further two weeks, until the 26th April. A vote will be scheduled this week and is expected to be passed by congress. “Once the peak of propagation…

The Canaries have “passed the peak”

The Canaries have “without a doubt” passed the peak of the COVID 19 crisis and some restrictions on the lockdown could be relaxed during April, according to the scientific committee advising the Canarian Government on coronavirus. Lluis Serra,…

Lanzarote on Screen 6

In the sixth edition of our new series, we take a look at some of this island’s most famous and memorable appearances on film, TV and video. NAJWA – DONDE RUGEN LOS VOLCANES Najwa Nimri is a Spanish/Jordanian actor and singer…

Government consider second lockdown extension

Faced with still-rising figures in Madrid and other coronavirus hotspots, the Spanish government is reported to be extending the lockdown beyond the current limit of the 12th April. The decision is likely to be taken on Saturday, and…

Alcohol sales up as Spain locks down

The Spanish Association of Supermarkets and Distributors (ASEDAS) has announced that alcohol sales have shot up since Spain's lockdown began. “We're not seeing as much of the bulk-buying that occurred between the 11h and 14th of…

Fourth fatality on Lanzarote.

A 75-year old man became Lanzarote's fourth coronavirus mortality yesterday. The victim, who had pre-existing conditions, died in the Doctor Molina Orosa Hospital. 21 people are currently in Lanzarote's general hospital with coronavirus,…

Heroes of the Lockdown

The Spanish lockdown started on the evening of Saturday 14th of March, and is scheduled to continue until at least the 12th April. During that time, everyone in Spain who doesn’t work in essential jobs has been confined to their homes,…

The cost of the lockdown

As we enter the third week of the lockdown, the economic toll of Spain's emergency measures is becoming more and more pronounced. Millions of employees are at home, reliant on government assistance to survive for weeks without work. The…

Canaries will “reach peak” this week

The scientific committee which advises the Canarian Government on the coronavirus crisis has said that the virus will “reach its peak” on the islands some time this week, and that they expect new cases and deaths to decrease next week.…