
Why migrants risk their lives

A report in El País newspaper has examined some of the reasons for why thousands of young Moroccans, and an increasing number of Senegalese, are risking their lives to get to the Canary Islands.

Moving in the right direction

Driving on the right hand side of the road can be a worrying transition for visitors arriving from the UK or Ireland (or Thailand, Japan, India or Australia). Here’s how to switch sides painlessly.

Canaries call for rapid antigen tests to be accepted

The Canarian government is negotiating to have rapid antigen tests included among the accepted methods of pre-travel testing, after fears that the cost and inconvenience of PCR tests will destroy the winter tourist season.

Test results required from 23rd November

From Monday, 23rd November, all visitors travelling to Spain from countries regarded as “at risk” will be required to show a negative result from a Covid-19 test carried out within the 72 hours prior to travel. The measure came into law this morning after being announced by Spain’s health minister Salvador Illa yesterday. Illa said that the law would “reinforce Spain as a safe destination”.

Knives out in Haría

A no-confidence vote in Haría is likely to remove the Socialist mayor, Alfredo Villalba, and replace him with Coalición Canaria (CC) councillor Chaxiraxi Nix. The affair combines local grudges, as well as heralding a possible revival of Canarian nationalism.

Vaccines to be administered in New Year

Spain's health minister, Salvador Illa, has announced that ten million Spaniards will be given the new coronavirus vaccine in the New Year. The recently-announced vaccine, which has been developed by Pfizer and has 90% effectiveness, will start to be distributed before the end of the year.

Canaries caution

The Canaries still appears to have the coronavirus under control, despite a slight rise in figures in recent days. Nevertheless, the Canarian health service has reminded the public of the importance of anti-Covid measures in an attempt to nip this tendency in the bud.

The Biden era begins

Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential elections may not seem directly relevant to life on Lanzarote, but the global influence of the US affects all of us, and the change of guard is likely to see big changes on the international front.

Cycle path controversy in Playa Honda

The decision to close the seafront promenade in Playa Honda to cyclists has caused controversy, as San Bartolomé Ayuntamiento outlines plans to divert cycle traffic onto cycle paths running through the town.

Your Photos, Your Story – Christmas Edition!

We want to hear your stories! Every month we ask our readers to submit photos of the island along with a story. The images don't have to be professional or taken with an expensive camera. Do you want to see your photo featured on its very own…