
Arrecife gets a cleaning

The Arrecife Ayuntamiento have started their new cleaning initiative this week, “A cleaner Arrecife, neighbourhood by neighbourhood”.

Back to Level 2

Lanzarote will return to Level 2 on Monday 22nd November for the first time since June, following what the Canarian Government described as “an abrupt rise” in infections.

Tackling life challenges with metaphors

The Yaiza Ayuntamiento, in collaboration with Sonia Marcías & filmmaker Àlvaro Cuadrado, spread a message of overcoming challenges in life through metaphors.

Booster jab campaign extended as cases rise

Lanzarote's hospital occupancy figures shot up yesterday as six more people were admitted to the main Covid ward, bringing the total of patients to 10. Meanwhile, Spain's Prime Minister has announced that booster jabs will be offered to the over-60s.

1.3 million euros road works progress in Yaiza

This week the Yaiza Ayuntamiento continued with its 1.3 million euros road works program, starting work on El Tenique.

New traffic light system on the way

The Spanish government is about to change the traffic light system and associated level system for coronavirus risk, in order to more fully reflect the changes brought about by the vaccination programme.

New electrical interconnection to Fuerteventura

Red Eléctrica de España have started to lay the 132Kv connection between Playa Blanca and Fuerteventura, making use of Prysmian Group's newest cable ship “Leonardo Da Vinci”.

The European Space Agency return to Lanzarote

The European Space Agency returned to Lanzarote last week to continue working with their Pangaea training course, which provides experience in collecting rock samples and traces of life on other planets.

Yaiza Ayuntamiento suspend activities as day of mourning declared

The Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda has delcared a day of mourning today, for the recent death of the Mayor of San Bartolomé Alexis Tejera.

Alexis Tejera, Mayor of San Bartolomé, dies

Alexis Tejera, the Mayor of San Bartolomé, died yesterday at the age of 39, leaving a wife and a young son.