
Against Gender violence

Today is International Day Against Gender Violence, and the date will be marked with a demonstration in Arrecife today at 6.30 pm in memoriam of victims.

Tenerife and Gran Canaria face Level 2

Covid cases continue to rise on the Canaries, with Tenerife and Gran Canaria likely to join Lanzarote and Fuerteventura on Level 2 later today.

Arrecife prepares for Christmas

Arrecife will be holding its official Christmas lights switch-on event this Friday, and will turn on more than 800,000 bulbs for the coming festivities.

Tourist bus project

Researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaría have proposed a bus service that serves Lanzarote's principal tourist attractions, in order to reduce the use of cars and cut carbon emissions.

Spain’s Interior Ministry under fire over Mirador de Guinate

Haría Ayuntamiento has criticised the decision of Spain's Interior Ministry to place a SIVE (Integrated External Vigilance System) at the Mirador de Guinate, without consulting them.

Covid passport on the way

The Canarian Government is likely to approve a vaccine passport for interior spaces such as bars, restaurants and nightclubs tomorrow. The scheme will require people entering these premises to display proof of vaccination, and is similar to the system currently operating at airports for all international arrivals, and which will be extended to arrivals from Spain from 1st December.

New La Perla shopping centre, and parking problems

Parking spaces at the new La Perla shopping centre in Puerto del Carmen should be ready by spring, according to Lanzasuiza, the owners of the project.

Two New Mayors

Lanzarote will shortly see two new Mayors take the reins of power in San Bartolomé and Haría, following the death of Alexis Tejera, and Chaxiraxi Niz’s maternity leave.

Arrecife and Cabildo pacts shattered

Lanzarote's Cabildo and the Ayuntamiento of Arrecife are in turmoil after a day which saw the pacts between the PP (popular party) and the PSOE (Socialist Party) shattered.

Ayuntamiento Yaiza sign a €364,000 contract to totally reform sports area

The Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda, signed off a €364,000 contract to start works in San Marcial del Rubicón which will reform the sports area.