
“The eruption has stopped”

The eruption of the volcano at Cumbre Vieja on La Palma has stopped, although scientists are still uncertain whether it has done so permanently.

Lanzarote stays on Level 1

Lanzarote remained on Level 1 yesterday, as the Canarian Government announced plans to make the Covid passport scheme compulsory.

Public works galore in Playa Blanca

The Yaiza Ayuntamiento are as busy as ever, continuing their public works repairing and resurfacing roads as well as installing new playgrounds in the municipality.

France tightens UK travel restrictions

From Saturday UK travelers will have to have a compelling reason to enter the country, as well as having to provide a negative Covid test 24 hours before travelling.

Sharp rise in new cases

Spain announces booster jabs for over-50s and AZ-vaccinated as cases rise throughout Spain and the Canaries.

Calima advice

Lanzarote and Fuerteventura have been the islands that are worst-affected by a thick calima over the last couple of days. Calimas are dust storms that are brought to the Canaries by south- easterly winds.

Tourism continues to recover

Lanzarote tourism continues to rise as October recorded a 42% increase of tourists compared to the previous month.

Book a slot for Timanfaya

Lanzarote's CACT (Centres of Arts, Culture and Tourism) plans to introduces an online pre-booking system in order to avoid long queues forming at Timanfaya.

Environmental planning at the Charco

The Arrecife Ayuntamiento have put out to tender the drafting of a project that primarily aims to stop waste entering the Charco, as well as improving the quality of the seabed and coastline.

All eyes on La Santa

The little town of La Santa is likely to fill up next weekend, as the organisers of the Quemao Class surfing championship have tentatively pencilled in the dates from the 17th to 20th December for the celebration of the sixth edition of the most spectacular surfing spectacle the island has to offer.