
Mask Maker

Lanzarote entrepreneurs aren't resting idle during the lockdown. Doctor Stitch from Teguise, is putting his time to good use creating protective masks for ambulance staff. San Bartolomé fashion designer Oswaldo Machín, who is usually…

Plastics Ban

The Canaries decision to ban single use plastics from 1st January next year is a welcome initiative, but how far does it really go in addressing the problem? Last month the Canaries became the first region in Spain to announce a ban…

Why has Spain been hit so hard?

Spain is one of the countries that has been worst hit by coronavirus, and the reasons could be various. First there are social factors. Spain is a highly social country, where touching and physical proximity are normal. It’s also a…

Lanzarote: Spared the Worst

At the time of writing it’s fair to say that Lanzarote has been comparatively lucky compared to many other parts of Spain and the Canaries. Lanzarote’s first two cases were reported on March 13th, and consisted of a pair of tourists…

Skeleton Cave

The discovery of 72 skeletons in a cave in Gran Canaria has been hailed as the “archeological find of the century”. The cave was first located by members of the archeological association El Legado, who used drone technology to explore…

Lanzarote’s Superbowl

Canarian bowls is the most popular Canarian traditional sport. So last month the Gazette’s Shaun Addison and Sabrina Suppers enjoyed the atmosphere at one of the island’s biggest bowling events. Every Wednesday afternoon, the Albergue…

Bowling Brits

Bowling isn’t just popular among Canarians. Every Wednesday lunchtime, groups of British expats gather at the Teleclub de Mácher to play a few informal rounds on the covered cancha there. The restaurant provides the bowls, and serves…

Playa del Paso

Most people come to the little town of El Golfo to do two things: dine in one of the fine seafood restaurants there, or look at the stunning green lagoon that lies just west of the town. But a smaller group of visitors, usually dressed in hiking…

Lanzarote on Screen 5

In the fifth edition of our new series, we take a look at some of this island’s most famous and memorable appearances on film, TV and video. THE STONE ROSES - I WANNA BE ADORED / FOOLS GOLD In 1989 the Stone Roses had already…

Health workers take the brunt

Canarian health workers have appealed for greater protective measures, after figures show that they are particularly vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus. 20% of all coronavirus cases on the Canaries are health workers, a figure…