
Canaries lures digital nomads

The Canaries is pushing itself as the ideal location for telecommuters and “digital nomads”, as the Covid pandemic rapidly changes attitudes towards work and the workplace.

Tracking down the virus

Mass testing will be carried out in two neighbourhoods of Arrecife - Tinasoria and San Francisco Javier - after high levels of Covid-19 traces were discovered by the early warning project that analyses sewage. Testing will commence on Saturday, and 6000 kits have been made available.

Eyes on the sky

If you're looking for some fresh air and spectacle this weekend, you could do a lot worse than hop onto a ferry to Fuerteventura for the island's 33rd annual kite festival, which will take place from Friday to Sunday.

Fit for a Queen

Queen Sofia of Spain arrived on Lanzarote last week in the midst of a nasty calima and headed straight for the barrio of Altavista in the north of Arrecife, which is normally quite unaccustomed to the presence of royalty, where she visited the island's food bank.

How the Canaries has escaped the worst

As Spain considers another strict lockdown to control its wildly out of control coronavirus figures, the Canary islands continue to post encouraging statistics, and have been excluded from Spain's recent curfew laws. Yesterday, the island of Gran Canaria, which was one of the national hot spots of the virus just two months ago, recorded just 20 new cases and currently has a lower infection rate that Lanzarote.

Weather Watch November

October in Lanzarote always feels like the secret end to summer. Whilst many people in the UK and Europe are hunkering down for autumn, we are lucky to still have around eight hours of sunshine a day. This was certainly the case last year as we started the month with plenty of blue skies and just a few wispy clouds. Temperature-wise we were above average with highs of 28 and lows of 20. The final week of the month we saw a change, with a little rainfall and clouds rolling in.

October Balance

Lanzarote has almost halved its coronavirus figures in a month. On October 1st, there were 135 active cases on the island. Today there are 69.

Dog of the month: Jimena

Jimena, a beautiful podenco born in July 2016, arrived in Sara in March, starving, with her nine delightful pups which have all now been adopted. Let's hope someone will give this sweet and gentle dog a second chance.

Get your trainers on!

The Lanzarote International Running Challenge will take place this year. The popular running event with 31 years of history will celebrate a unique virtual edition at the end of this month.

Air force tracers detect 500 contacts

Spain’s decision to enlist the armed services in the fight against Covid-19 has had good results on Lanzarote, at least.