
Eurovision In Lanzarote

The music video for Blas Cantó's Eurovision song has been recorded on both Lanzarote and Tenerife. The song, titled "Universo", will feature as Spain's Eurovision song. Although it doesn't feature many obvious shots of Lanzarote and…

British Consul Message

The Withdrawal Agreement which sets out how the UK leaves the EU has now passed into UK law, which, once the European Parliament has ratified it this week, means that the UK is leaving the EU with a deal on 31 January. This is very…

Stand Against Hunting

Jane Burke's article in the February edition of the Gazette begins with an appeal to readers to join her in the protest against hunting that will be held at the Recinto Ferial, near the Cabildo building in Arrecife, from 11am to 12 midday on…

Spain Leads Price Rises

Spain will lead Europe in house price increases next year according to forecasts by international credit agency Moody’s. They predict that house prices will rise by 5.5% in 2020, a figure that places Spain ahead of Ireland and Portugal (4.5%)…

Ambassador’s Visit

British Ambassador Hugh Elliot rounded off his first Canarian visit since being appointed last August with a trip to Lanzarote, where he hosted a talk and Q&A session on Brexit at the Fondeadero Centre in Puerto del Carmen. Accompanied…

Lanzarote Vogue Photoshoot

Vogue España come to Lanzarote for a front cover photoshoot, for their February Edition. Photos and videos by: Vogue España The models featured include: Marina Pérez, Inés Sastre, África Peñalver and Miriam Sánchez. One noteworthy…

Death off the Coast

A new born baby has died during the passage to Lanzarote. On the 8th of January, a patera arrived on the coast of Lanzarote; upon arrival, emergency services attended to the new born. Unfortunately the baby, which had been born during…

Strong Population

Setting a new record, Lanzarote has broken it's population record of 150,000. For the first time in the island's history, Lanzarote has surpassed last year's population record of 150,000 inhabitants. Last year had seen the population…

SARA Dog of the Month

CADO, a beautiful Podenco found abandoned and wandering in Mácher, born in September 2015, arrived in SARA this September. He was so bewildered and frightened, poor boy, he must have had a very sad life. However, he so wanted to learn…

Las Palmeras Golf Night

On Saturday 14th December, the members of the Las Palmeras Golf Society met at the Casa Cabaña restaurant in Puerto del Carmen for their annual Trophy Presentation Ceremony and Christmas dinner. The event was well attended and the…