
February 2018 did not bring the best weather, with 10 days of rain and cooler than normal temperatures averaging 17 degrees in the daytime. This was actually reflected recently in January 2021, with some areas seeing almost 100mm of rain in just under a week. As a result the island, once more, is beautiful and green.
February 2019 was a real mixed bag weather wise, with wind and wave warnings to start the month and temperatures of 20º in the day, we also had a polar vortex, heavy rain and then ended with calima and high temperatures of 27º.
February 2020 brought the biggest, heaviest calima dust cloud in over 20 years covering the island with dust and sand brought over with the easterly winds. We ended the month with temperatures of 26 degrees and it is normally at this time of the year that we start carnival season and the weather, on the whole, is very kind to us – last year the parade in Puerto del Carmen on February 29th did go ahead, although all others following this were cancelled.
So I think we should embrace FebYOUary and take some time out to reflect on all the last year has delivered. The best way I can put this into weather terms is that even the most raging storm eventually runs out of energy, life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass – it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
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