5th Jul 2022 @ 12:54 pm

The Tías Ayuntamiento are launching a glass recycling campaign for the municipality’s hotel & catering sector.

The new recycling campaign will include surveys and interviews with those in the hotel & catering sector, as well as the installation of special glass containers from the non-profit organisation Ecovidrio.

In the campaign for glass recycling in hotels and catering facilities, personalised visits will be made to remind those of their obligation to separate their rubbish in compliance with recycling.

Over the next few weeks a team of environmentalists will carry out surveys and interviews with hotels and catering establishments in the municipality to establish their needs to be able to adapt.

They will also be provided with detailed information as to how to recycle correctly and separate the waste.

The non-profit organisation Ecovidrio will be responsible for supplying businesses with a glass recycling container – as well as the installation – at no cost.

According to data from 2021, Tías residents deposited a total of 755,320kg of glass containers (an average of 36.3kg per resident).

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