Jane Burke’s article in the February edition of the Gazette begins with an appeal to readers to join her in the protest against hunting that will be held at the Recinto Ferial, near the Cabildo building in Arrecife, from 11am to 12 midday on Sunday, February 2nd.
Unfortunately, the magazine will not arrive until later this week, so we’ve printed the opening of Jane’s powerful piece below…
“I am on the scrounge. I want a favour.
Now I know many of you may be tired of my severe vegan rants (my children are equally unimpressed by my vehement arguments), and I promise not to raise them now. But whether you agree, disagree or don’t give a damn about my feelings concerning the cruelty of meat ( causing climate change, hardening of the arteries, type two diabetes etc, – sorry, I just can’t help it ), the fact you are reading this now suggests you have, at the very least, a tenderness towards dogs and cats and perhaps other creatures kept as pets and treated as family.
These are animals we live with and love and know for certain suffer the same physical pain and psychological distress as ourselves; creatures we spend a huge amount of hard-earned money on; providing them with the best of food, comfort and medical care.
Well this is about the gentlest of dog breeds, and however much as you may disapprove of my voice raised in vehement condemnation of the meat and dairy industries, I am asking you to bear witness with me and, asking you to make time in your busy lives and attend an anti-hunting meeting in Arrecife on February 2nd, 11-12am.”
For more information, scroll to the poster below.