3rd Jan 2020 @ 6:00 am

Felicia Ann Schwind 1943 – 2019

Flick passed away peacefully on the 3rd of December 2019 at Devonshire House in Sudbury, Suffolk after a short illness. Born on the 25th May, 1943 during an air raid in Birmingham, Flick was a model for a fashion house before deciding to follow her mother and sister Jane and become a nurse. She trained at Addenbrooks in Cambridge and nursed until she married Pete Schwind. Flick was mother to three adored girls: Samantha, Rebecca and Fleur – her beloved youngest daughter who was born in 1974 and died at the age of 14, leaving Flick devastated.

Invited by friends to holiday on Lanzarote in 1988, she felt she had arrived home. The island gave her peace and tranquility after many difficult times in her life… none greater than Fleur’s passing. She found a beautiful old finca for sale in lower Macher, it found her, and they gave each other shelter for over 30 years. Always with a dog by her side or on her bed – Daisy first, followed by Bumble and Sassy – she created beauty in an unforgiving garden, made wonderful food in an equally unforgiving kitchen, welcomed everybody and made one of the best Gin and Tonics in the world.

These years were when many of her lifelong friendships were forged; our Flick with her healing hands, nursing those in need, always giving of herself. She taught the art of Hatha yoga. She was beautiful inside and out.

Flick moved back to the UK in 2018, and the family and friends who she had kept in her heart and had contact with over the years, including her sister Jane, Jennie (who now has beautiful Sassy); Diana Yates and Moppet her nursing friends, Mike and Diana Screen and Pete her ex-husband, all took her back into their arms, visited her, cosseted her and made sure she had all she needed.

Flick was so unique. Her love, kindness and gentle spirit will be missed by too many to mention by name. The only saving grace in her passing is knowing she so wanted to be reunited with Fleur and, when she knew her time had come, she wanted it to be before Christmas… how wonderful that she got her wish.

Rest in peace Flick and carry on creating your magic. You will be loved forever.