13th Dec 2021 @ 12:01 pm

The Arrecife Ayuntamiento have put out to tender the drafting of a project that primarily aims to stop waste entering the Charco, as well as improving the quality of the seabed and coastline.

Photo: Ayuntamiento de Arrecife.

The 45,000 euro project has been up for bidding since the start of the month, and will require the winning company to prepare a technical report with detailed diagnosis of the environmental problems in the Charco, as well as a detailed restoration plan for the seabed and coastline.

The project will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Lanzarote Cabildo, and will have an execution period of 2 months with the option to extend by another month.

Mayor of Arrecife, Astrid Pérez, stated “This is the first step to solving the environmental issue in the Charco de San Ginés, with the help of ERDF funding to carry out works which will improve the water quality of the Charco.”.

After the waste discharge issues have been addressed, the second phase of the project will commence. Which will see the winning company work on the restoration of the seabed and coastline.

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