
Grand work by The Boat Yard

Congratulations to The Boat Yard, which managed to raise an immense €952.50 for SARA with two charity evenings on the 19th and 26th September. Not content with organising the quiz and the video race night, and offering plenty of enthusiastic…

ERTEs extended for four months

The furlough schemes that have supported tens of thousands of Canarians through the coronavirus crisis will be extended until the end of January, Spain's Employment Minister Yolanda Díaz  announced yesterday after Spain's Council of Ministers…

TUI plan to return to Canaries

German’s main tour operator says customers can make their own minds up, as rapid tests promise to make flying safer. The world’s biggest tour operator, German giant TUI, has announced that it wishes to recommence flights to the Canaries from the 3rd October.

Madrid Standoff

An extraordinary political stand-off has developed between Spain’s socialist-led coalition government and the regional government of Madrid, which is governed by a conservative coalition led by Isabel Díaz Ayuso of the PP (People’s Party). Madrid…

Second wave takes its toll

Nine deaths in the Canaries from coronavirus yesterday highlight that the second wave of the virus could still have more bad news in store for the islands.

Green light for Lanzarote

The Canarian Public health Board has relaxed restrictions on Lanzarote, giving it the “green light” from today, September 26th. This means that restrictions on gatherings of more than 10 people no longer apply. The restrictions also…

Canaries control second wave

The Canaries slowly appear to be getting on top of the second wave of coronavirus infection, but the islands aren’t out of the woods yet, and the tourist sector awaits the results of a vital meeting on Monday.

Markets are back

Cabildo President María Dolores Corujo has confirmed that markets will once again be permitted to open from this weekend onwards. The high infection figures led to special measures being introduced which prohibited public gatherings…

Horror Finca

The publication of shocking scenes of animal cruelty at a finca in Tinajo has once again brought animal abuse on Lanzarote to public attention. The animal defence group Ademal yesterday  posted disturbing photos and videos of a…

Ambassador’s message/ Live Q&A sessions

With 100 days left until the UK's Transition Period with the EU ends on 31st December. Her Majesty's Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott,  has recorded a video message for UK Nationals living in Spain. Click below to view the video. The…