
New Year, New Works

There are plenty of construction projects underway on Lanzarote, and even more are likely to occur in the coming months. We take a look at the most important changes you're likely to be seeing in the next 12 months.

Solar subsidies

Lanzarote's Cabildo is offering subsidies to island residents who wish to install solar panels, as part of the Canarian Government's project titled “Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies and the move to Electric Vehicles”.

Covid updates

Lanzarote once again broke its record of daily Covid cases, registering 463 cases yesterday which brings the total on the island up to 3,160.

Malabharia – touched by tragedy

Last night's final gala show of Haría's circus festival, Malabharía, was filled with laughter and thrills as usual, but there was also deep sadness after the festival had been marked by tragedy.

Playa Blanca sports centre “benchmark on the island”

The new Sports Centre being built behind the bus station in Playa Blanca is nearing completion. The 7.2 million euro project is over 75% complete and will give residents in the south of the island high-quality sports facilities which will “be a benchmark on the island”.

Review of 2021

2021 began with the promise of hope, but Lanzarote would be forced to walk some hard, hard miles before things started to improve.

Here come the Kings!

There will only be one official parade for Three Kings Day tomorrow, and it will take place in Arrecife. However, Their Majesties Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar will be carrying out whistle-stop tours of the rest of the island throughout the day.

Covid Certificates

The rules on the EU Covid certificate have been updated to take into account the booster jab campaign.

Tragic year end

Two men died on Lanzarote's roads over the Christmas periods, and another is missing and presumed dead after appearing to have gone bathing in a hazardous area.

The Sixth Wave

Lanzarote’s experienced with the new wave of Covid has so far followed the pattern shown throughout most of Spain, in which record case numbers are being registered, but hospital occupation is far lower than ever before.