25th Apr 2022 @ 11:38 am

The sunny southern town of Playa Blanca celebrated International Book Day last Friday, with book stalls in the open square of the town, it was a great day for all those who love to read!

Photo: Ayuntamiento de Yaiza.

Playa Blanca celebrated International Book Day last Friday where residents from the municipality flocked to the main square in the town to see what the stalls had to offer.

The Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda, stated “we were able to see the joy of families experiencing an event without restrictions, without social-distancing and without masks, and the joy of authors sharing their works with readers. The fair also proved successful for publishers and bookstores that have suffered over the past two years.”.

The writer Ismael Lozano was present. Lozano is not only a publish author, but also supervises the publication of other writers books through the publishers “Siete Islas”. At the fair he promoted the youth novel “El Plumas” by David Pallás, which tackles the story of bullying, and the novel “Traficante de historia” by Juan R. Tramunt which tackles the harsh reality of immigration.

The book fair hosted a storytelling session “The Secrets of the King”, narrated by Isabel Cabrera. The little ones also enjoyed play mats and the visit of popular Pokemon character Pikachu and Squirtle.

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