
Keeping up appearances

Wendy Elbers has run a hairdressers in Costa Teguise for 8 months, and among her services is providing wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy or other treatments. It's a hugely valuable job, providing self-esteem to people at their most vulnerable.

Making a difference

Aduén Morales García is a powerhouse. The young man from Argana Alta in Arrecife is one of the directors of the litter-collecting charity Lanzarote Limpia, a director of the Argana Alta Residents' Movement, Vice President of the Unión Norte Canarian wrestling club in Haría and a volunteer for Cáritas and a prisoners' reinsertion charity. We were lucky enough to grab him just before an important meeting at the Cabildo.

Flashback to 2020 – Lockdown Memories

In our January issue we usually focus on the events of the past year. But last year offered one event that was so unexpected, so shocking and so unforgetable that everything else pales in comparison: Lockdown.

A helping hand

The Fundación Canaria Flora Acoge, located in the heart of Valterra in Arrecife, is one of the island's most important charities for the homeless and needy. we spoke to Montserrat González, director of the foundation.

A calm head in a crisis

Fleur Willson, the recently-appointed Consular Regional Director for Europe South made her first visit to the Canaries last month. We took afternoon tea with Fleur and the consular team last month.

Yaiza Plans

Yaiza Mayor Óscar Noda updates us on developments in the south of the island.

Your Views, Please

The recent opening of the beautifully-adapted Mirador de Haría has been one of the highlights of 2021. If you’ve already visited it, you’re sure to have been impressed by the large picture windows and the glass platforms that jut out into the valley.

Lauren Osadci

In a new series we’ll be talking to gardeners on Lanzarote, finding out how they deal with the unique conditions on this island and sharing some favourite tips and favourite plants.

The Mosaic Man

This month’s story comes from Jim Cane, a tiler by trade who moved to Lanzarote seven years ago after meeting his future girlfriend, Roni. Jim recently tried his hand at mosaic art with the left-over tiles from previous jobs.

Bella Avery

Our cover star this month is 10-year old Bella Avery. Photographer Sabrina Suppers borrowed a wicker peacock chair from Kate Harvey, arranged the loan of a beautiful white dress from designer Oswaldo Machín in San Bartolomé and headed up to the dunes of Famara, with Bella chattering and whistling all the way. The location and the light were perfect, and once the evening sun caught Bella’s gorgeous red hair, we knew we had a winner...