20th Aug 2020 @ 10:26 am

Despite flight cancellations and quarantine regulations, some tourists and visitors are still arriving on Lanzarote. If you’re one of them, first of all – thank you for your commitment and loyalty to Lanzarote.

We hope you’re enjoying your holiday and, to get the best from it, we’d like to offer some advice about the coronavirus rules on the island.

1. Masks

Basic Rule: Wear a mask whenever you’re in a public space.

Mask wearing rules have been tightened to make mask wearing compulsory in all public areas, indoors or outdoors. On beaches, masks can be removed when bathing or when sunbathing with 1.5 metre social distancing, but must otherwise be worn.

Masks are not needed when practicing individual sports or when eating and drinking. Children under 6 and people who can show they have a respiratory health problem also do not have to wear masks.

Masks must be worn when you’re in a car with anyone you don’t habitually live with.

If you feel uncomfortable about mask-wearing practices in any establishment, have a polite word with a member of staff.

2. Handwashing/Gloves

Basic Rule: Follow handwashing/glove etiquette.

A few shops still ask you to wear disposable gloves before entering, although this is quickly being phased out in favour of the use of hand sanitiser. If you’re allergic to sanitiser, it’s a good idea to bring your own gloves or a hypoallergenic alternative.

3. Distancing

Basic Rule: Stay 1.5 metres (5 feet) apart.

The 1.5 metres applies in all public areas to all people who do not share the same house. Please do your best to observe distancing and take special care when near the elderly.