24th Aug 2023 @ 7:37 am

Lanzarote’s Business Conferederation (CEL) has called for “urgent measures” to address the continuing water cuts in Lanzarote.

CEL President Francisco Martínez, claimed the situation was “bringing companies and small businesses to the verge of closure, due to the lack of water and the impossibility of carrying out their activity and services with water from their aljibes (water tanks).”

Although expressing gratitude to the Cabildo for the recent  ordering of two desalination plants, Martínez said “ the island’s problems are structural and heavy investment is vital to recover supply and meet the demand of businesses and islanders.”

Domestic water supply remains suspended in Güime, Conil, La Asomada and Tegoyo today, with several rural areas also  unable to access water for agricultural irrigation purposes.  

Canal Gestion updates news of water cuts three times a day. The information is available at https://www.canalgestionlanzarote.es/inicio/actualidad/situacion-actualizada-suministro/

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