18th Nov 2021 @ 1:57 pm

The Yaiza Ayuntamiento, in collaboration with Sonia Marcías & filmmaker Àlvaro Cuadrado, spread a message of overcoming challenges in life through metaphors.

Photo: Ayuntamiento de Yaiza.

In 2015, Sonia Marcías launched her “The Princess of the Desert” project, where she took on the physically demanding challenge of running the length of the Namibian desert. In 2016 she became the first person to run 1000 kilometres in 20 days.

World Children’s Day is coming this week, on the 20th, and to celebrate the Yaiza Ayuntamiento organised an event with 520 schoolchildren from the municipality.

Marcías, along with help from filmmaker Àlvaro Cuadrado, retold her challenging story to the children. Marcías explained “The Namibia challenge was the metaphor of life, the path is complex and challenging, but you cannot give up. Every day a new challenge will arise; the most important thing is that you face the obstacles head on.”

The Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda acknowledged the exemplary students who attended, “Sonia and Àlvaro were delighted with how the students responded to the presentation. That says a lot about who they are as people, the education they receive and the standards that are set at home.”.

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