5th Apr 2022 @ 12:24 pm

We recently brought back our popular Ed’s Postbag page to the Gazette magazine, and we’ve had some good responses so far. However, we would like to hear more from you!

Our Ed’s Postbag page has always been popular, however, we removed it temporarily when the national lockdowns first game in 2020. But it’s back now and we want to read your letters!

Whether it’s a response to a letter in the previous month or a new letter, if you send it to us, we’ll feature it on the page. You can send us questions, opinions, stories, and more.

Simply drop us an email on either editorial@gazettelife.com OR digital@gazettelife.com.

Readers are reminded that views and comments expressed within the Ed’s Postbag page are those of the contributors and may not necessarily reflect the opinions or standpoint of our staff. It should also be noted that we are an independent publication free from political persuasion or governmental censorship.

For regular updates, pictures and videos of Lanzarote be sure to like and follow our Facebook page “Gazette Life Lanzarote”.