22nd Aug 2022 @ 1:20 pm

The Haría Ayuntamiento have presented their programme of events for the Fiestas de Santa Rosa de Lima this month, starting today and ending on the 28th. Check out the events:

Photo: Ayuntamiento de Haría.

Check out the programmed events here (auto-translated, for the original Spanish version click here: https://www.ayuntamientodeharia.com/haria/orzola-ya-tiene-programacion-para-las-fiestas-de-santa-rosa-de-lima-2022/)

Monday, 22nd August

10:00 a.m. Decoration of the village

11:00 a.m. Traditional games for children with the Colorines School in the Teleclub.

18:00 hours. Draw and start of Truco and Chinchón championships in the Teleclub.

20:00 hours. Parade with giants and big-heads enlivened by a performance by “Woman Batuka”.

21:00 hours. Proclamation of the fiestas in the Teleclub.

21:30 hours. Karaoke night for all ages in the Teleclub.

Tuesday, 23rd Augus

11:00 a.m. Children’s painting competition and mural making with the Colorines School in the Teleclub.

12:00 noon. Creation of bouquets of flowers for the offerings to St. Rose of Lima (all ages), in the Teleclub.

18:00 hours. Mass and procession in honour of St. Rose of Lima, ending with her on display in the Teleclub for the presentation of offerings.

20:30 hours. Offerings to St. Rose of Lima.

21:30 hours. Asadero Popular with burning of the Quevedo and Fiesta Canaria with the Parrandas “Son del Norte”, “El Jable” and the “Agrupación Folklórica Malpaís de la Corona”. Come in your typical Canarian costume!!!

Wednesday, 24th August

10:30 am. Treasure hunt. Categories: Individual and Group (-18 YEARS) Meeting point at Restaurante el Norte.

12:30 hours. 3×3 football tournament on the old school pitch (-18 YEARS OLD).

17:00 hours. Baking competition and free dessert tasting at the Teleclub.

18:00 hours. Draw and start of the Envite and Cinquillo championship in the Teleclub.

21:00 hours. Play back of the young people of the village and surprise party for the children.

Thursday, 25th August

11:00 am. Kite making for children and adults in the Teleclub.

13:00 hours. Exhibition of kites made.

18:00 hours. Draw and start of the Bola championship. Mixed teams, in the Teleclub.

19:00 hours. Start of the Big Surprise Bingo. “La Petisa Bonita”.

21:00 hours. Raíces y Ramas” Theatre Night with the play “Visita Sorpresa” (Surprise Visit).

Friday, 26th August

11:00 a.m. Yoga class “wellbeing and health”, in the Teleclub.

12:30. Traditional gymkhana (-13 years old).

17:00. TEQBALL Championship in pairs (+15 YEARS).

18:00 hours. Continuation of the Bola championship.

18:00 hours. Draw and start of the Ronda championship.

21:00 hours. Performance by the “Lanzarote Baila” dance school led by Miguel Medina.

23:00 hours. Verbena Popular (popular night) enlivened by “Vocal Force” and “Grupo Los Conejeros” at the Muelle site.

Saturday, 27th August

10:00 a.m. Exhibition of EMERLAN trained dogs.

11:00 a.m. Workshop on sailor’s knots and hook tying, in the Teleclub.

12:00 hours. Traditional gymkhana for veterans (+13 YEARS).

16:00 hours. Start of the “PETIZO FESTIVAL”. With lots of surprises at the Muelle site.

19:00 hours. Solidarity race “Let’s go to the beach!” in support of the animal protection organisation SARA, we will hydrate ourselves and continue to enjoy the performances at the PETIZO FESTIVAL. Start and finish at the pier.

23:00 hours. Popular Verbena with the orchestras “Lanzarote Swing” and “Mambo Latino”, at the site of the pier.

Sunday, 28th August

12:00 noon. Zumba masterclass with various teachers, at the Muelle.

14:00 hours. Water Verbena with entertainment by “Grupo Los Conejeros” and “Naiyimbe” at the pier.

20:30 hours. End of fiestas gala with adult models, performance by the Latin Dance School “El Norte Dance”, live performances, prize-giving ceremony for the championships and the Big Surprise Raffle.

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