The director of Lanzarote’s Dr José Molina Orosa Hospital, José Luís Aparicio, has stated that a three-storey carpark will be constructed beside the hospital, which will provide 628 places and greatly increase the parking space available.
Parking has become an increasing problem at the hospital recently, with the construction of a new hospital wing on the site previously occupied by a carpark opposite the Emergencies Department reducing the available space. Streets and areas of wasteland behind the hospital, at the outpatient’s entrance, have been regularly filled with cars seeking parking space.
The new carpark will be adjacent to the new wing area, and will be built on the space currently occupied by the staff carpark. The total of parking places available will be 817. Currently, the project is at a pre-planning stage.
Speaking to Lancelot, Aparicio was also optimistic about the Covid situation on the island, saying that no patient had been admitted to intensive care for months, and that the five patients currently on the Covid ward had all been admitted for other reasons, but had also tested positive for the virus.
Aparicio confirmed that no cases of monkey pox had yet been detected on Lanzarote.
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