2nd Jun 2021 @ 9:10 am

Spain’s Health Minister, Carolina Darias, yesterday presented proposals for a new law that will govern how all Spain’s regions deal with the coronavirus until 70% of the target population are vaccinated.

The proposals include a blanket closing time of 2am for nightlife throughout the country and continuance of mask use in all public spaces, despite recent announcements by government adviser Fernando Simón saying that he expected the mask law to be relaxed “soon”.

Restrictions will be decided by a new four-level system, with the lowest level applying to regions with a 14-day infection rate of fewer than 25 cases per 100,000. Level 2 will apply from 25 to 50, Level 3 from 50-150 and anything above will be Level 4. On these criteria, Lanzarote and the Canaries would both currently be on the third level.

The proposals are intended as the starting point for negotiations with the regions, and sources close to the meeting report that exceptions are already being discussed to the mask law.

Other proposals include complicated new rules about occupancy of bars and restaurants, a more relaxed attitude towards large public gatherings, and a continued ban on smoking if a distance of two metres cannot be observed.

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