You might know you have a leak. You might suspect it but not be sure. You might not know at all. Whatever the situation, Canary Detect pinpoint the location of leaks, pipes and cables quickly, efficiently and without the need for extensive digging and probing.
With 40 years combined experience in pipe and leak detection, the guys at Canary Detect know exactly what they’re doing and exactly what their clients want. And with over €60,000 worth of bang up-to- date tech, they’re better equipped than anyone else to get the job done.
Canary Detect pride themselves on their accuracy and due to this, they have already saved their clients thousands of euros in unnecessary excavations and the associated disruption.
Their equipment includes top of the range gas sensors that detect nitrogen/hydrogen gas that has been fed into a pipe and escapes from the tiniest of leaks, cameras that can be fed into a pipe to internally survey for defects and sensitive microphones that can detect the sound made by leaks. They also have advanced pipe and cable locators that can trace the route of existing pipes, and Ground Penetrating Radar that can find pipes and cables from the surface and infrared camera technology.
A leak can cost huge amounts in water bills, and the resulting escape of water can lead to damp and serious structural damage, so it makes sense to locate and fix it as quickly as possible. Canary Detect can do both of these things, but if you’d rather use existing contractors to do the repair, that’s your choice.
What about if you are not sure that you have a leak? Rather than paying for a full leak detection survey, Canary Detect offer an inexpensive leak confirmation survey for pools and aljibes (water tanks). Their Leak Analyser is so sensitive it can measure water loss to the thickness of a piece of paper and in just 20 mins produce a report of how much water you are losing per day. Only when a leak is confirmed will a full leak detection service be offered.
Canary Detect don’t just track down leaks, though. They can pinpoint any underground cables and pipes, allowing you to carry out work on your property without damaging them, or permitting you to add new connections in precisely the right place.
The job is thorough – Canary Detect will use more than one method to confirm the results of their investigations; and prices are fixed – there’s no time limit and, in the unlikely event that a leak cannot be found, no fee. All their surveys come with a professional and extensive report of methodology and results.
Canary Detect have already carried out plenty of work for satisfied customers who range from private individuals to communities of owners and estate management companies. All of them have the same thing in common – they value a fully professional service and accurate results.
Nobody else on the Canary Islands offers a detection service of this quality. If you’d like to find out more, go to or find recent examples of their work on their Facebook page.
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