29th May 2024 @ 6:36 am

Arrecife Ayuntamiento have sealed two squats on calle Cienfuegos this week after fires were started in the properties.

Last Sunday, fire fighters were called to two fires at the properties which were inhabited by several people whose bad behaviour was reported to police by neighbours. After the fires were extinguished and the properties evacuated, local police cordoned off the area.

Arrecife Mayor, Yonathan de León, ordered for both buildings to be sealed so that the previous inhabitants couldn’t return to the properties.

On Facebook the mayor wrote “Yesterday we left these houses sealed off after the fire. Since early this morning we are painting the exterior. The squatting of properties, protected by the laws of Pedro Sánchez, generate situations that the neighbours of the affected areas do not want, nor does Arrecife, as a city, want.”

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