14th Nov 2023 @ 10:42 am

Tías Ayuntamiento have announced their Christmas shop window dressing competition which will see participating businesses decorate their shops for a chance to win gift vouchers of up to 300 euros.

The rules and registration information have been published by Tías Ayuntamiento this week and those who wish to take part have until November 22nd to decorate and register by sending an email to prodae@ayuntamientodetias.es.

The prize-giving ceremony will be held on December 1st at 7pm at the San Antonio church in Tías. Gift vouchers will be given to the 3 best shops (300 euros, 200 euros and 100 euros.)

Tías Ayuntamiento encourages all business owners to take part in the competition. The judges will assess creativity, lighting, and quality of designs.

“Our aim is to make the commercial establishments more attractive to the general public, while contributing to create a special festive atmosphere in our streets during such important dates as the Christmas period”, stated the commerce councillor, Miriam Hernandez.

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