13th Aug 2021 @ 2:31 pm

The Guardia Civil have reminded motorists about the rules for overtaking cyclists – a very frequent occurrence on Lanzarote’s roads.

First published in the Gazette Life magazine on August 1st.

The Guardia Civil have reminded drivers that they must keep a distance of 1.5 metres between their car and the cyclists that they are overtaking. That’s about five feet.

Motorists should make sure they only overtake when conditions are right – i.e with clear visibility ahead, and no oncoming vehicles; and they are permitted to cross a continuous white line to carry out the manouevre. If the recommended distance is not observed – and a worrying study has suggested that almost 20% of drivers do not leave enough space – then drivers can be fined €200 and be docked four points.

Cyclists are advised to stay as close as possible to the right-hand side of the road, and cycling side by side is prohibited, apart from cases where visibility is low and there is a heavy concentration of traffic.

Cyclists in urban areas are not allowed to cycle on the pavement unless a lane is specifically set aside for them and signalled, usually with bike markings. Pavements are reserved for pedestrians only, and this rule applies to anyone on a vehicle, including electric scooters. Users of wheelchairs and mobility scooters are classified as pedestrians.

Cyclists are not permitted to use zebra crossings while mounted, unless this is specifically signalled. Most crossings are for pedestrians only, and a cyclist becomes a pedestrian by getting off and pushing their bike.

Cyclists must also wear reflective clothing after dark, and are required to wear helmets at all times when cycling outside of urban areas. Like any other vehicle user, they are also prohibited from using mobile devices or wearing earphones.

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