11th Jul 2021 @ 9:17 am

A yellow warning has been issued for high temperatures on Lanzarote tomorrow, Monday 12th of July.

Temperatures could reach up to 34 degrees Celsius in southern, western and interior zones of the island, while the rest of the island may see temperatures in excess of 30 degrees and high-lying areas may experience a light calima.

The heatwave is a result of extremely high temperatures on mainland Africa and uncertain wind conditions on the Canaries

A yellow warning does not signify that there is any risk to the general public. It is the lowest level of warning, and serves to advise the population to simply be aware of the weather conditions and keep informed. If, for example, you were planning to hike up the Famara cliffs tomorrow afternoon, you might want to reschedule, as it could be an uncomfortable experience with a risk of heatstroke.

The unsettled weather of the last couple of days, which even brought much of the island a spattering of dirty rain on Friday night and Sunday morning, is due to stabilise on Tuesday, with the return of brisk northen alisio winds varying from between 25 and 40 kph.

Although many have complained about the wind conditions recently, they’re perfectly normal for this time of year (July and August are, rather surprisingly, the windiest months on Lanzarote).

For regular updates, pictures and videos of Lanzarote be sure to like and follow our Facebook page “Gazette Life Lanzarote”.