23rd Sep 2023 @ 10:52 am

Haría is quiet, charming and full of character  – a place where the timeless rhythms of daily life still seem to prevail.

The journey to Haría is an experience in itself. You can arrive via the highest point on the island, enjoying sweeping panoramic views as you drive round the hairpin bends to the town, or you can take the coastal route, passing Guatiza and Mala and entering the rough volcanic malpais landscape of lichen-covered rocks.

You’ll know it when you see it. Haría is unmistakable and one of the few locations in Lanzarote out of sight from the sea – instead offering steep hillsides and hundreds of palm trees spread across the valley that have provided the raw material for hats, baskets, brooms, and dolls for centuries.

The town centre revolves around the market square which is shaded by large Indian laurel trees leading to the door of the Church of the Incarnation. There’s always a buzz on market days (every Saturday at the square from 10am – 2:30pm).

To discover more of the town, you’ll only have to walk a few minutes from the neat, well-ordered centre. While some foreign residents have made their homes here, it is still not one of the island’s most popular residential zones.

In the town you’ll also find a surprising number of bridges spanning the barrancos that channel the rainfall from the surrounding hills.

Haría is a place where most people know each other by name, where old men gather in the square to chat, and where local fiestas are celebrated in style.

If you have time, visit César Manrique’s Casa-Museo, the artist’s final home and a place that offers a unique insight into his life and work.


Lanzarote markets guide

National Geographic name Haría in list of most beautiful Spanish towns

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