26th Sep 2023 @ 9:45 am

Yaiza residents and tourists enjoyed a thrilling rally race last Friday, with a number of stunning cars taking part.

Photo (www.yaiza.es)

The race couldn’t have been more exciting. The arrival of rain affected the timed section of the race between Las Breñas – Las Casitas. Team Yeray Lemes-Aitor Cambeiro left the other cars with more than half a minute behind.

Unfortunately, they experienced gearbox issues and was left out of the RallySprint race before the start of TC2.

Team Suárez-Cedrés were the leaders of the night, with Rodríguez-Rivero in second in their Porsche 911 GT3.

Third on the podium was team Alfredo Guerra-Lara Curbelo in their Peugeot 208 Rally4, 20.9 seconds behind the race leaders. Team Alexander Barros-Brenda Pérez came fourth in their Honda Civic.

Check out a video from the day:

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