14th Jul 2022 @ 9:10 am

The San Bartolomé Ayuntamiento are in full swing with their ambitious 1.4-million-euro road resurfacing plan.

Photo – Ayuntamiento de San Bartolome.

At the time of writing, work has already begun in San Bartolomé, executed by the company Herederos de Juan Acuña SL.

The Mayor of San Bartolomé, Isidro Pérez, explains that the works aim to improve the municipality’s roads, improving road safety. The streets that will benefit from the road works are Avenida Rubicón (Casa Mayor Guerra), Ajei, Alba, Alcalde Cabrera Torres (up to the karting roundabout), Alquizar, Celemín, César Manrique, Cincurvalación, Cuartillo, El Monte, El Pajar, El Quintero, Juan de Bethencourt, Margarita Martín, Parra, Pérez Galdós, Plaza del Carmen, Rubicón, Seña Balbina and the dead end of calle Timbayba.

The new project consists of restoring the pavements and laying down a new surface layer of asphalt over the damaged roads.

In addition to this, the road signs will be renewed, replacing old ones with new signs that are more resistant to the weather.

So far the resurfacing plan has covered Montaña Blanca, Güime and Playa Honda.

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