Daniel Rodríguez Báez is the winner of the 1st Speed Painting Competition in Lanzarote, organised by the Arrecife Ayuntamiento… and what a painting it is!
Photo: Ayuntameinto de Arrecife.
This week the Arrecife Ayuntamiento held the first ever Speed Painting Competition in Lanzarote, where twenty-five budding artists had to choose an area of Arrecife to take inspiration from and the top three winners would receive cash prizes.
The event was born from a collective aim of promoting culture & creativity in the municipality. The twenty-five contestants had equal sized canvas’ each, which couldn’t contain any commercial brands or be recreations of other paintings.
1st place winner Daniel Rodríguez Báez won 800 euros for his stunning painting of the Castillo de San Gabriel and the view from it.

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