8th Aug 2022 @ 3:35 pm

Today the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, visited an event at the Cabildo along with its president, María Dolores Corujo, and the Canarian President, Ángel Víctor Torres.

Photo: Cabildo de Lanzarote.

During the meeting, the main issues of interest in the Canary Islands were discussed. Pedro Sánchez celebrated the recovery of the tourist sector, which “is once again the driving force of employment both in our country and in the Canary Islands”, and which “has to do with the response we have given together, among all the administrations, and also with the private sector, to the Covid pandemic”.

Sánchez recalled the investments in the Canary Islands and highlighted some historical figures. He recalled the direct aid of more than 1.1 million euros destined to the small and medium-sized businesses of the tourist and hotel sector of the Canary Islands, “to be able to cushion, resist and tackle the whole task of recovery of the tourist sector in the Canary Islands”.

This year, the Cabildo’s and Ayuntamiento’s are going to receive more than 1 million euros. And in 2023, the Canary Islands will receive around 6.5 million euros from the regional financing system.

“We are demonstrating the commitment of the Government in the development of the Canary Islands, in areas such as Health, Education, Dependency, all those policies that need the contribution of the State”, he stressed.

“It is of great pride to have the presence of the Prime Minister once again in our institution after choosing the island for his holidays”, Corujo stated.

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