This week, Lanzarote will celebrate its biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebration for four years. Whether you’re Irish or not, this is one of the best days out on the island. Here’s what’s happening in Puerto del Carmen.
The fast and furious traditional Irish sport will take place on Playa Grande in Puerto del Carmen. Everyone is invited to an event that always has a great fun atmosphere. Teams of 5 can enter, and competitors must be over 18.
11 AM: Mass at the church in Puerto del Carmen, followed by the Official Opening of the St Patrick’s Day celebrations in the Plaza del Varadero (Old Town Harbour), with Tías Mayor José Juan Cruz and Irish Consul Eileen Izquierdo.
After that the music and partying will begin in earnest, with the following performers taking the stage:
Gayle O’ Donovan
Rhythm Republic
Celtic Roots (with Irish dancers)
Dessie Hynes After Party
Wallis Bird and her Band
All are welcome, and party goers are encouraged to wear green, put on silly hats and anything else that will add to the party atmosphere.
Entrance is free; however organiser Brendan Byrne tells us he hasn’t found the support he’d have liked for this year’s event, and there’ll be a bucket or two going round for voluntary donations towards the costs.
People are reminded that they are not allowed to bring their own alcohol to the event. But there’ll be plenty of refreshments available at the stalls run by the 14 pubs and bars taking part in the event.
Check out Tias Ayuntamiento’s poster:

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