Ecologists in Action Lanzarote have asked residents, businesses and authorities in Playa Blanca, Arrieta, Punta Mujeres and other coastal villages to avoid the use of unnecessary lighting during September and October, when young Cory’s shearwaters make their maiden flights.
Urban lighting near the coast causes the deaths of hundreds of shearwaters in September and October, mostly young ones that are taking their maiden flights,” said Ecologists in Action. “The lights disorient them and many fall. As they are not adapted to move along the ground, they become easy prey for predators. “
After being fattened by their parents over summer, the young shearwaters are left alone before making their maiden flights at this time of year. As they normally navigate by the moon, they can be distracted by bright lights and often end up crash-landing. Ecologists in Action s point out that fallen birds often hide under cars, and have asked locals to take a couple of seconds to check beneath their vehicles before setting out.
If you find a shearwater in distress, call 696 733 177 or report it to the 112 emergency line.
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