8th Feb 2022 @ 10:09 am

Lanzarote leads the Canaries in the recovery from the Omicron wave of coronavirus, and hopes are high that the island will reach Level 2 status on Thursday.

While numbers are dropping all over the Canaries, Lanzarote is currently the island with the lowest 7- and 14-day infection rates, closely followed by Tenerife.  The percentage of PCR tests that turn out positive is also the lowest on the Canaries, at 9.26% – less than half the figure on any of the other islands.

Nevertheless, with 31 new cases yesterday, infection rates remain high enough to be classed as “high risk”. What offers Lanzarote cause for hope is its low hospital occupation.

The island currently has 15 patients in its Covid isolation ward and none in intensive care. This place Lanzarote at “low risk” and “minimum risk” level.  It is this, as well as the rapid decrease in new cases, that raise hopes that the Canarian Government will drop Lanzarote to Level 2 status on Thursday.

Thursday is also the day that the law requiring masks to be worn outdoors will also be withdrawn. From that day on, masks will only need to be worn outdoors in crowded situations.  The unpopular law was widely criticised by scientists as useless.

Today, the Spanish Health Ministry will discuss reducing the quarantine period for infected people who are suffering mild symptoms, or none at all. Several regions have asked that the period be reduced to five, or even three, days. 

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