11th May 2022 @ 12:10 pm

HiperDino have announced that it has adapted five of its stores in the Canary Islands to accommodate shoppers with autism.

Photo: hiperdino.es

HiperDino have adapted five of their stores in the Canary Islands (in Gran Canaria and Tenerife) to help shoppers with autism that struggle with social interactions and more. The Tienda Accesible (Accessible Store) project will look to convert more stores to ones that are autism friendly, placing signs that can help people find where they need to go or ask an employee for help.

In February this year, with the help of La Caixa bank, the DinoSol group in collaboration with the Asperger Association (AsperCan) converted their first store to being autism-friendly in Playa Honda, which made it the first in Spain to install pictograms and helpful signs to improve accessibility.

In total the Canarian supermarket have six accessible stores and look to introduce more in the future.

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