2nd Apr 2024 @ 10:38 am

Bodega Vulcano have returned to Lanzarote with a gold medal after attending the Concours International de Lyon 2024 competition.

Each year, with the support of renowned partners such as the Toques Blanches Lyonnaises, the Association des Sommeliers Lyonnais et Rhône-Alpes, the city of Lyon, Only Lyon and the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Concours de Lyon competition sees the tasting and grading of thousands of products from multiple countries and awards the world’s best wines, beers and spirits, as well as the best cheese and dairy products from everywhere in the world.

In the most recent edition, the competition organised the tasting of 10,391 samples from 49 countries. Since its creation the competition has showcased millions of bottles with its famous medals.

Local winery, Bodega Vulcano, have returned to Lanzarote with a gold medal awarded to their Vulcano Dolce 2018 moscatel. On social media they wrote “We are very happy to have won it because it is one of our wines that best reflects the family tradition behind it, from the harvesting of the grapes, its maturation in the sun and, finally, a careful process [to produce the wine].”.

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