23rd Nov 2023 @ 9:17 am

Arrecife Ayuntamiento has announced that the Christmas market will be held in the Parque José Ramírez Cerdá for local craftspeople to sell their creations.

Registration for market stall vendors is open now and vendors have until November 28th to register interest in taking part. To be eligible, vendors must have a licence and applicants will have to pay a fee of 100 euros to occupy the space.

The market will be located at the Parque José Ramírez Cerdá between December 18th to January 5th.

In addition, Arrecife Ayuntamiento point out that the capital will have double the attraction for artisans during this period as it will attract many visitors from both the island and cruise ships stopovers.


Arrecife Ayuntamiento have also called for churro and crepe stalls (one of each.) Successful bidders will have to pay a fee of 150 euros to occupy the space during that period.

Those interested have until November 30th to apply. Documentation must be presented at the Registro del Ayuntamiento de Arrecife.

This year marks a special one for Arrecife, as the municipality celebrates 225 years since its founding.

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