February is usually one of the coldest months of the year, however, this year it was warmer on average and saw less rain than last year. March may be the month that we make up for the missed rain, weather forecasts predict that a storm is coming to Lanzarote this month.
Weather forecasters predict that heavy precipitation is coming to Lanzarote starting next Monday until Thursday the 17th.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday all have a 95% chance of precipitation forecast on the AEMET website (Tias). The percentage varies from town to town, 100% on some days.
It isn’t time to cancel your plans yet. The rain can be localised on Lanzarote and a 95% chance of rain does not mean that the entire island will be soaked, nor will it rain non-stop throughout the entire day.
We will keep you updated if the percentages change, or if AEMET put out an official weather warning.
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