
Terminal 2 reopens

Terminal 2 at Lanzarote's César Manrique Airport reopens today after being closed since last June. The smaller terminal will once again be used for inter-island flights between the Canary islands, while the larger Terminal 1 will handle national and international air traffic.

Vaccines continue apace

40.1% of the Canarian population are now fully inoculated against Covid, as the vaccination drive on the islands continues apace. The percentage of islanders with at least one dose is 59.15%.

Made of Iron

After a year’s Covid-enforced absence, the Ironman roared back into town yesterday with the biggest event the island has seen since the carnival parades that took place just before last year’s lockdown.

Delta rising

The Delta (or Indian) variant of the coronavirus is now present on the Canaries, and accounts for over 10% of cases recently detected in Tenerife.

Lanzarote achieves Level 1 while Canaries worsen

Lanzarote finally received its reward for several weeks of improving figures yesterday, when the Canarian Government decided to place it on Level 1.

Cruiser conflict

The question of whether the new, extended port at Playa Blanca will be used as a stop for cruise ships has caused controversy among the island's politicians.

50% of islanders fully vaccinated

The vaccination campaign on Lanzarote is moving ever faster, and yesterday it was announced that 50% of the island's target population of over-16s had been fully vaccinated with both doses.

Brits to require PCR or vaccine

British visitors who wish to enter Spain will have to provide a negative PCR test or proof of complete vaccination, it was announced yesterday. The new law will come into effect within the next three days.

Tenerife level error

The Canarian Public Health department has admitted that It downgraded Tenerife to Level 2 too early, a decision which may have caused the worrying rise in infections on the island.

Masks off outdoors

Today, Spain’s new mask law comes into effect, meaning you can remove your mask outdoors as long as distancing of 1.5 metres can be guaranteed.