29th Aug 2022 @ 10:57 am

Last week, the Yaiza Ayuntamiento published the events programme for this year’s Fiestas de Los Remedios. The events start tomorrow, including performances from former Spanish Eurovision contestant Pastora Soler.

This year’s Fiesta de Los Remedios will include performances from former Spain’s 2012 Eurovision contestant Pastora Soler and popular Spanish pop singer Marta Sánchez, who had hits such as “Desperada”, “Dime la verdad” and “Arena y sol”, as well as being a feature on Carlos Baute’s famous song “Colgando en tus manos” with over 600 million views.

Soler will perform on the final day of the festivities and her performance will be followed by an exciting fireworks display.

To read more about the planned events, click here: https://gazettelife.com/news/fiesta-de-los-remedios-events-programme/

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