26th Jul 2022 @ 9:38 am

The Canarian Government’s Heritage Department is initiating a project to investigate an archeological site in La Degollada for traces of ancient native inhabitants.

Photos: Gobierno de Canarias.

The Cave of Dona Juana is a casa honda (deep house) located in a volcanic tube in La Degollada, Yaiza. Deep houses such as this were used as dwellings in the past, but there have long been speculation that this one was also home to Mahos – the original natives of Lanzarote.

Jesús Caceres, director of the project, said that “the cave was covered by ashes from Timanfaya, which means that the original floor could be very well preserved.”

The excavation is just part of a wider project mapping the history of the Valley of Fenauso, which has involved researching old archives and interviewing older residents of the area.

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