23rd Jun 2022 @ 11:19 am

Tonight is the Noche de San Juan – Spain’s bonfire night – when the arrival of summer is celebrated. These are the public events we know of:


Haría hosts the most spectacular San Juan celebration on Lanzarote. At 11 pm tonight the terrifying Diablos de Haría will light the bonfire, burn the effigy of Don Facundo and perform their Fire Dance.

A concert by Los Conejeros and Rikabanda will follow.


Playa Reducto, 7pm to 12 pm. The bonfire will be lit at 9.30 pm.

Barbecue and Performances by DJ Nandy, Tío Matt and Kardomillo. Fireworks

Playa Honda

The beach area between Calle Mesana and Calle Botovara will be the scene of various activities from 5pm onwards, including volleyball, frisbee, various workshops and, at 9pm a concert by Treinteytantos. The bonfire will be lit at 10.30 pm and DJ Ángel Pérez will play until midnight.

Puerto del Carmen

There’ll be a bonfire, barbecue and dance with the P’al Porrón folk group at the foot of Calle Bajamar (near Playa Chica), starting at 9pm.

There’ll be scores of other, smaller private parties around the island tonight, too. Many will have taken tomorrow off work to recover and perhaps go to the beach – it’s a tradition to take your first dip of the year on San Juan’s Day. But it’s not a public holiday unless you’re in Haría.

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